The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

THE DAILY DELTA ffhc fflers oopfined there. says A few days ago ail the CapUina were required to draw Iota to see who should be hoafeges tor two Confederate CapUine taken by Fremont and threatened to be hong. The Into fell oa Capts. George Austin. Kentucky, and T.

O'Mara, New York. They are in oloee confinement. To day two en ore hrr-dages were rhoeen among the Hargeoes the lotsfathng on Dr. Hoffman, Hiuhs's Division, end lr. Slm.m, II.

S. Navy. Dr. Hammlt, Mr. Woodward, August intoa, James Meghaa and Win.

Acton were arrested in Baltimore on Wftdnesdsy, charged with bringing lettere from Richmond. Dr. Hammlt was relessed and Mr. Woodward paroled, but the others were detained. i Bte endvl.

Cintty on Wednesday aftern.oe. The Inhtotng struck a onmbf of houses, lejuring several persons. The N. V. Herald, of the 2d.

furnishes the NEW ORLEANS, WKIXKSDAY, AlfUTST 13, stnrf, Arkansas, and the Indlin nations, In speedy VOL. XVII. a Union lady his wife's sistor, who now re sides In Norfolk, with her rolativos around her all opposed to the Government which Admiral Farragut baa labored so long and so r.oalonsly to nphold. A near relative of the Admiral's recently made this remark: I bate the Commodore for his oanse, but I love him for his courage and wonderful ability as a naval oommtnder." We aro proud to se his name at the bead of the active list of Rear Admirals in our navy. Ilis promotion will incite him to new and enhanced zoal in carrying on the war for the preservation of onr glorious Union and then, as the chief in command of all onr navies, he will see to It in his old age that the stars and stripes float triumphant and respected on every sea and on every lake and barbor of the known universe.

THE TAX BILL. The following is the oflicial notioe that the time of putting the tax bill into operation is changed to tho 1st of September I Triasi-kt Diparthsnt, July il, lmil. Br authority of a joint resolution of ths Confirm! of the Unitrd B'atsa, approved on the 17th diiy of July Instant, notice is hereby siren that the first day of Sep temner next la fixed and determined npon aa the day oa which the aet to provide Internal revenue to sop- port the Government and to pay Interest on the public debt shall bs pat Into prsotlotl operation and any act or thing which In said aot if reqnired to In done on or before the drat day of July or Angnit, in the year 1SC1, shall be done on or before the drat day of Sep tember, 1MI and all parts of said act, having reference to said dates of the first days of July and Angnat, 1RGJ, ahall bs taken and oonatrned as hsvlng reference to the first day of Beptemtier, mt. Collectors snd Assessors will bs appointed, and whatever other Ihint-a may be Decenary to pat lbs act Into practical operation will dons, before the date fixed by this cotlcs. 8.

P. Chars, Secretary of the Treasury, WO DAYS LATER FROM THE NORTH. the Steamship Marion. By By the arrival of tho U. S.

malt steamship Marion, from New Tork via Key West early this morning, we have New York papers to the evening of the 2 inst two days later than we bad by the steamship St. Mary yesterday. The following summary embraoes the most im port ant domestic news Impoitant fiom Wahhikgtok. Strmgeut orders have been issued by the War Department in regard to officers and privates of the artuv absent from their posts. We copy from the New Tork Times as follows Was DiPAKTMtUT, Washington, D.

July 31. Ths absence of officer, end privates from their duty under various pretexts, while receiving pay at great expense and bnrthen to the Government, max! it necessary that efficient measure, be taken to enforce their return to doty, or that their places be supplied by those who will oot take pay while rendering no service. This II. moreover, tends greatly to disconrage the patriotic impulse or those who would oontributt to up port the families of fat thiol soldiers. it is therefore or no re a oy me riesioenit 'ir if That oa Monday, the lltn day or A a trust, all leaves of absence and furloughs by whomsoever given, on less by the War Department, are revoked and absolutely annulled, and all officers capable of service are nut red forthwith to jjin their regiments noder a penalty of dismissal from the service, or such penalty as a Court Martial may reward, nnleas ths absence be occasioned by lawful cause.

SeunU The only excuse allowed for the absence of tniereor privates from duty after the 11th day of August are, first, the order or leave of tbe War Do- payment; second, disabilities from wounds received service; third, diHanituy rrom disease that renders the party unfit for military doty, lint any officer or private whose health permits bins to visit watering places, places or amusem*nt, or to me ice social visits, er walk about tbe town, city or neighborhood In which he nuy be, will be considered fit for military doy, and evading his duty by absence trom his command or the ranks Third On Monday, ths Huh day of August, at 10 clock a. regiment and corps shall be mua- fc-red. Tbe absentees will bs marked, three lists of the same made out, and within forty-eight hours of the muster one copy shall be sent to tbe Adjutant General ot tbe army aud one to the commander of tbe corps. Toe third is to be retained, sod all 1 1 Hie re and privates, fit for duty, absent at that time, will be regard ed aa absent without cause Their pay will be stopped, and tbey will be dismissed from the servioe or Una ted as deaertera, unless restored and mo officer shall be restored to bis rank nnleas by the judgment of a court of imjulry, to be approved by the President. He shall establish bis Innocence of tbe charge tbat his absence was without cause.

fourth Commanders corps, divisions, brigades. reg nils aud detached poata, are strictly eo Joined to force tne musier ana return aioreseid Any omoer failing In bis duty herein will be deemed guilty of gross neglect of duty, and be dismissed from the servioe. Fthk Comminefoner bball be an pointed bv the Secretary of War to superintend the execaiion of this ok in me respective D'nies. ine uaoea mates Mamhals In the respective District the Mavor and Chief of Polios of any town or city: tbe Bheritl of tbe respective ooootiea In each State and all Post-maw tern and Justices of the Peaoe, are authorised to us Hpecial t'rovost Marshals, to arrett any officer private soldier, At for duty, wLo may be found ab ut from bis com maud without )ust cauae, and oonvoy in to the en rest military post or depot. The transportation, reasonable expense of this duty, and five dollars, will be paid lor each officer or private so arrested and delivered.

ity oraer ot i raaaiPaNT. Kpwin U. Htahtom. Secretary of War. CIUI'lTLiB.

LETTER MOW THI Will IHPiKTMKNT. The follow in ciroular letter has been sent oot from Uiii War iiepartment to the Governors rr AH I 'Br a HTM RHT, I Wsuldnivtoai City. I. C. July 21.

ml. Air There no doubt a lartie number of soldiera, absent from tbe army aiclc leave are abundantly ante to re 1 oiii their regiments, out wno are their duty and spend lug their time at boms among their friends. penalty of being considered deserters, prescribed Ueueral urder Mo. oft, ts in many esses insumcieut Induce these men to pome forward and report them selves and it baa been thought necessary, in addition tu ths provisions ot tbat order, to aak the vigorous oo-opsratlon of tbe ilovernorsof States In finding out and ending these men to join their comrades In the Oeld- From Yxtirdat'i EnmNO Entrtox. Mr.

A. B. P.oid, ths obliging PurSfcr of the U. 8. mail steamship Marion, had our hearty thanks for late New York paptrs, and other valued favors.

Vmbils at Kit Wist. Mr. Reid, Parser of the steamship Marion, reports the following vessels at Key West on the 9th Frlgat 8t. Lawrence (flag ship), and steamers St. Jagi le Cuba, Penguin and liuntsville British prize steamer Adele also a new iron steamship (British) oalled the Columbia, taken olf the Bahamas by the St.

Jago de Cuba, after ohsse of iBTen honrs. Cargo valued at S'-'OO, 000 arms and munitions of war. Arrival of STSAMsmr Mabiok. T.e U. 8 mail steamship Marion, Capt.

Phillips, which loft Now York on the 2d and Key West on the 9ih. arrived early this morning, bringing ti following passengers RiBi. rlht, Mlaa Vngrr, Elmnnd Rid nm. Ohaa Fileawn, Simon. To'd, HarnoM JoHie Htnat, It Kdonborn, Ollrsr Parkins, JmM Uf-ha'-k, Ouatavna Morrii, Abram Rfut.fl, Mm W.Rn.r Maltlanil.

Jiiliw 8azfro, Mv.r Ptiineaa, (1 WeiM, Mm (Japt John. O'way, Dr Cliii MoCortniok, Purgeon rauk narquard, Aaaiatant Bargecm A manca. The order of the President compelling sol diers absent from the army by fnrlongb, or those who bad been sick and are now conva lescent, to return to tbolr regiments, will have the most extraordinary effect in swelling the ranks of the army. It will beat the recruiting sergoants completely. It will add, in a few days, fifty thousand men to the several corps of the army of the Union.

This vigorous adminislra- tion of the officers of the War Department will inspire new confidence in the tu cess of the struggle to restore the Union and put down faotinn North and South. POSTAGE STAMPS FOR CIRCULATION. Humors have been going around tbat postage stamps, in consequence of the expected Issue of the new kind from the Treasury Department, are not as good as they were. Tbat is a mis take. The stamps, If not injured or defused if not pasted upon any othor snlwtance, and if In a condition to be alined to IjlUrs, or worth what their faos declares for they will be deemed and exchanged for the new postage stamps to be issued by the Treasury as the circulating medium for change, in dencmina tions of five cents, ten cents, twenty-five cents and fifty cents.

The object in limiting the issue to these denominations is to preserve the character of our decimal system. The present postage stamps are just as good for all ordinary purposes as silver or cent coinage. Tnere wi lie no three or one cent stamps, for their place will be supplied by the nickel cent, which is In great abundance. WHY DOS'! YOILGO YOURSELF? We are tired of committees for promoting enlistments." We are tired of the splurges of John Moneybag, who tells the world through newspapers that be has given soldier's wife a bushel of beans. We are tired of George Curtis Noyes, and othors, who visit Washington to Instruct the President bow to conduot the war.

If Mr. Noyes wants the rebellion suppressed, let him go into the field. If the gentlemen who constitute the heavy standing round committees wish to promote enlistments, let them go into the field. That is the way to suppress the rebellion. We are weary of speeohes.

We are weary of splurges. We are weary of Union Park gatherings and BoBtou Common gatherings. Fill up regiments without further noise. Forward March That is the way the Bouth does. Nearly every able bodied man of this region is in the field.

Those not in the organised rebel armies are serving guerrillas, and river and lake sharp-shooters. Why not give ns a regiment of editors? Those gentlemen who discuss the conduot of the war preferred. Fall in, men A COMPLIMENT FROM JOHN BULL. It Is not often that John Bull does us justice much more rarely does he pay us a compliment; most rarely of all are the I.ondou Times, the Morning Herald and the Saturday Review made the vehicles of his unwonted g.aoe But now those journals are heaping praiseB upon us in almost every number. For they rarely now mention American affairs without reviling Gen.

Butler for giving up modest women who happen to speak to a man whom they do not know, to the lusts of bis soldiers." This is about aa true as tbat be quenched the sun in the Gulf of Mexico; but those who believe or profess to believe it, are placed in a most unexpected position by the vent, or the testimony of every man who bu been in New Orleans siuua the issue of the order In question, foroign or native, robel or loyal, Is that the city is a model of good order and, in partioular, that any woman can now walk from one end of It to another, day or night, not only without insult, but without annoyance of any kind which is a uoyal state of things for New Orleans. If (Jen. Butler's order meant what our British frlonds will insist that it meant, what toalimony is this to the self-restraint and decorum of Lis troopa. Of what otner troops in he world, regular or vol-nnteer, could the same be said REAR ADMIRAL FARRAdUT. Farragut is not forgotten.

Engaged as a midshipman when a youth in the American navy, he did what lie could manfully to defeud bis country agaiust the machinations of haughty England, ile is the idol today of the American uavy. "Farragut and victory" is the battle-ory of the Yankee tars. The hero of New Orleans (the most extensive and best managed battle In all naval history) places blm at ths head of the navy by ini.rit and the length of his faithful public servioe places him in that exalted position by rank. Farragut has sacrificed more for bis country than some othor men who cora-niaud our fleets. His family connections are known to be Southern his wife a native of No.

imi. ascent of boats. This raft Is protectr by a powetfa! nailer v. tn ml. fhrtV Iha rnm Mmnhlsi naaif Un Springs, tbe guerrillas raptured thirty drays which had mm nnt fnr rniiAH ri .1.

1. mules were stripped of their harness and turn, and the drays were burned. wo rrtdav a hod of ITntnn tMUfs uma (fsnir of gnerrlllas who were depredating In he cone wy some rmeen miles Pack ot Henderson Ky Thev Immediately started In pursuit of litem, and etine upon them just as they were In the aot of hang' lug a Uuton msn. Two of them, who seemed to have ontirge or Hi rope anl the arrangrtn-nts for the hsnfflnsr. were cantntwd.

The mat nt th by taking to the bushes. The two captured villains were) put into irons and taken tn lulsville. t-ci. e. Moro, commander of Henderson Km tned an address to the Month mnn nt u.M.

derson, Dtoreaa, Hopkins and I'moe counties, tn he says, plainly 1 Von aro simnectrd, whether 1 u'ly or not, wbh sympathy with a band of gunrrllha that ttrp mresiing your 9 unties, murdering the rliians, destruing their probertv and Imnrmoniiiir ihtr suns. If such Is no the, fact, sav so, and taka your position at once against them. Unite with the fovsi men, or act in your own way, to put them down but nt Bint that nannla nt I i from the rain that threatens their persons and pro pertv. Yon can save voiiiMftleM. Thus ni dolt The responsibility rests with you.

I promise sun iiri-Hwiion 01 oenion nnu property to an who will aid us in driving from onr nndnt the hloodlmnnds wha rw pre Ting npon he lire's blood of the people. Then, nniiigiKiHim. rm Mil NO loncnr iMIHI tO Itltin Itf nth, BTatee to protect your homna. Can your mnetinBs and arrange for your own aaloty. The crlals demands prompt action." Gen.

Schofleld has Issued an order modifying that uniinriii nnroiimrni in siiwouri. a commutation tee of I0. paid eith tnte the Kute nr county treasury, will exempt tbe person payimr It from military duty for one year. The name of all persons, however, are to be enrolled hut nnlv I nasi t-ATMuv 11 Kriifrni orners, oy dissriuuy, or by payment of the commutation fee, are released from military duty the present year. All others, hldoa lining enrolled, are to be organised for active service, to be oalled npnn whenever thev mav He needed.

In sridt. tlon to the exemption few of $10 per head, thve is Tien a tax or one -tenth or one nw nenttim unnn mil Uxhe property of the State, as returned bv the last awteesment. Col. Weer and ntnf. Norman Allen arrlvad at Leu.

venwonn on the Of July, from the Indian Ktpedl tlon, A part of onr forces have been In Fort Gib kansaa, about flftv miles northwest of Fort Smith, and siinut one nunnren ana seventy-nve miles from Fort Scott. The enemy was reported at Ftrt Adams, about mur mnee neiow. tiver one tnonsand ind'ans Chero kees and half-breeds bad iolned oar troons. in s1iii tlon to the four hundred already reported. They came In with their horses snd arms, and were otpanized as ine rmra Indian tlegiment, under Colonnl Wm.

A. Pnilllp. Our prospecu In the Cherokee country ere moot favorable. The rxnedltlnn Is now nmW (lonn! nsinon, iare tioionel or the Ninth Wisconsin. Maj.

Gen. Huell haa Issued an order datrd HunUvllle, Ala Jtily 'H, with reference to the attack on Mnrtrens boro. He savs: Taken In all lu features. uiBirnceriii examples ol nugiect or duty and lark of good conduct can be fonnd In the history of the war. It fully merits the oensltv which the law dmiMm r.r uon misconduct, iiie Mroe wm more than aufhVlent to repel the attack eft dually.

Tbe mortification which ll, army will feel at the result, Ii poorly compensated by the exertions made by aome, perhaps man ths retrieve the disirraoa of the mirprise. The action fit to hi adopted with refernnis to those who are blauiaule. enueciallv ths idllicra hishrat In command, can Dot be determined without further la-vestigatioo." The Times, of the 2d in its news sum mary, has the following A reliable who haa lnat. eotnrnoil tn Nashville from liuntsville, states that one hundred and ten persons who had lft the Southarn armv came Into that place on July 'id, and tendered their sorvlceN to Gen. Itotiasoag.

The State authorities of Mlssmrl have Information that the enrollment of militia under the recent order ba been unexpectedly active and briftk in the Interior. In all counties thus far heard Irom, the order ha lieen observed, and returns have been received or about person enrolled under It, This itself la a larger force than will probably be required, or can, at pres armed. The simple enrollment with partial oriraniBitlon will perhaps ancomplish the intendid mjfloi tue expulsion 01 the guerrillas from the State, ilnuo the bandits will soon loarn to avoid thusa mum ties where the militia may be Instantly called out to meet tbe m. Gen. Hoyle baa ariven orders that tbe oaroloa taken by Johnson and other guerrillas, who have recently wu uporamiR id tvenmuay, are nut 10 oe regarded as ndtug.

All sick Soldiers, whom thev have nantured and paroled, are to return to their regiments as soon as they are able to do ao. ine mi. Louis News, or July 'Jit, notices a rumor lat MrtjirGn. liltchoook Is to be asHlurued to the command uf ths Department of the West. A dispatch to the Now York Commercial AdvortiHor, dated Louisville, Aug, 1, says Gen.

li vle has tamed an order iirohihltinif the sale of contraband articles, au -h ai guns, ammunition and I medicines In packagna, unless the purchaaor II. st gets permit from besdcaarteri. Cknxrai, Nkws. Tho Now York Times, ol the 1st, furniHhes the following The prisoners at Fort Warren were to have, hnan taken Sontb, yesterday, by tbe steamer Ooean leen among ine prisoners to be exchanged ere Genera's Bock tier, Tilghmaa and Markall. and some sixty or seventy other officers attove the rank of Captain.

Tie wuoie numner ul rank ana Die is about two juudred, Recently tliese prison era have been considrrahlv slated, asd all express oohlidm-s In tho suoceas of the reliclllon. tine of the officers recently sent to a frlond Boston to send him down a couple of arav oaim. be inference Is tfiat he expeots to In Kervlce aalu soon. The poiltioal prisoners, Including Mayor Brown and Mar toil Kane, of Baltimore, still reiuain at the fort. The bells contributed to the rebel Government the churches, planters, A to be oast Into cannon, and sent to Boston from New Orleans by Gen, Botlnr, were sold at a 11 nil or on Wednesday.

They brought from 'il to ct'nla per nound, the heavsiit, weighing 1411 pounus, soia for wi, and a lot 01 17 ihis, undr lull pounds, were bought tor 'in cents per mm). The (Jitiiisu' Oummlttae lu Philadelphia Iihvs dc cided to apply tho binds which they have raised to flliingnptbe old regiments. F.fty dollars bounty, whb an additional bonus of an dollars, fa lo bs paid to recruits. The funds thus far ralaed at this rate of die Lursem*nt, should procure four thousand inn Vehterday orders were aome what unexpHuted'y re celved at the Brooklyn Navy Yard to put two United S'atea vessels In commission at once. Accordingly tbe brig ol war Balnbridge and ths steamer Vixen were turned over by lim Commandant uf be Station, aud duly declared oonimlsaldfied as men of war In the service of the United States.

Com. Hiram Panldlng was yesterday proclaimed an Admiral of tbe United ates Navy, at the Brooklyn Station, aud Is to be honored and obeyed aa such. Tne wide flig, which, when Hviug trom the foremast of a nian ol war, drnotos the raxk of Admiral, will now be sn appendage of American, as of French and Kugllsh naval vessels. Henceforth no ad alien Is to be employed In any Navy Yard of the Union. All persons aaeklng employment must, before tbey are accepted, produce certificates of iiaturaliKatlnn, property authenticated.

Tiie order Is alined, at tbat Urge ibises foreigners who like to get Government money, but threaten to demand British or other protection if compulsory mill taty service Is dttmsuded of I hem. If carried out, It will result in the discharge of some ftuou Dim at tbe amsrai.i stations, A dispatch to the Times, dated Philadelphia, July says 1 During yenterdty afiernoon between four and Are hundred, rtsbel prlsouera.ooullued at Fcrt Delaware took the oath of allegiance- The oultUne T'gers aat-msd especially spmous to take the oath. Last evening there was a disposition among the violent se- oesaioulxUi to et'euk their oouradus, but tbe outburst was soou onecaca. A itoston disnatuh announoes that the steam ship Ooean Qiwon loffon the Hist ultimo for James Kiver, with 1400 released prlsouers ftoiu Fort Warren oil IvoanL The Tiinos, of the has the following Capt. Drew, of Vermont, writes from Salisbury, uuder date tyUase that (here veieUisu Ui it I I I It In T.

of a The Wellington dinpatch, of the 31st to the Tirana, contains the following Tin Gunboat Canard Washington was units stie-kin from its propriety to-day by that stupidest of cananli In regard to the appearance a fleet of ten Iron clad Rngliah hnilt gunhoet eft Mobile. To tup-pose that such a ti et ot ships, It.rge enough to cross the Atlsntlc, iron-clad, and armed as only Governments of (int. rate Power ran afford, covJd be built In Krtgland. France or elsewhere outride of Government ship-yards, and never attract attention or receive notice tltl they appear In full panoplv In American waters, Is a delusion the most gigantic of the war. The Navy Department has no Inielligrnce to support the Mobile story.

It hi wholly discredited, and believed to be a onnspirlcy to bear the Mock Board. Tnn OanKR lfnoAaniwo Abixvtxr. The order of Secretary H'anton issued to-day, ordering all abaent officers and soldiers to return Instantly to duty, Is timely aud inspiring evtdeuceof renewed vigor in the (iiv-errment. It will restore ten thousand sound men to arms to drivo Ion thousand cowardly leeches In die grace from ths Treasury. Mr.

Htanton's order admits of do mistake. Aay officer or private well ennuih to "visit watering places," places of amusem*nt, to pav social visits or walk about cities or neighborhoods, is sufficiently restored from disability hy disease to be nt tor military amy. ine penalty ror not oneying tnis order In to lone rank dv. bouutv. hone of pension.

and to be treated as a deserter. K.even days are only allowed absentees to reacn csmp. Oov. Tod. of Ohio, has decided that after the lftth of August, he will pay no more bonn tiei.

If there shall be a deficiency o( volunteers then It will be made up by draft, without bounty. Other Oovernora propose the same and the Secretary of War will orobahlv adopt it, Oa Saturday, at the argent rrqaeat of the Governor of Iowa, In order to reacn evil opposed traitors, wno are aiscouraging ei litments. he wea authorised bv the Secretary of War to make a draft whenever and wherever heshould think proper. Stmi'ar applications have been made by other Governors, and will probably be granted, A PPSI.IO MBBTINO TO FAOILITATS RurBITITINO iVeHmfnurv arrangements were made to-night by number of gentlemen, with Senator Pomroy as Chair- man. for a nub Mr meennc to eocouram reurat'ing for the army, etc.

Present Lincoln will be Invited to preside. The proepeot is a large sum wilt be sub sorfbed to facilitate tbe patriotic movement RAismti Nrw RrnmRNTS. A treat many anntlca tlona are made at the War Department br Individuals for authority to raise regiments in ine lovai mates. None of theie applications are granted, because the entire control of tho new regiments has been given to the Governors of the respective States nntll they are rtaay tor servioe, Tns Hospitals at Washington and Vicinitt The total number of sick and wounded soldiers In the hospitals at Wnshlngton, Georgetown and Alexandria amounts to per report to-nay. Tub Indians The treaty with tbe Ottawas, of Kan saa, is officially proclaimed.

Their relations with the Uohed States as an Indian tribe are to terminal at the expiration of five years, and all of them are to be deemed and oeciarea citizens or tne uoitea tares Ample provision la made for their improvement In all that pertains to civilized life, and, as far aa possible, for tbe se'tlement of their reservatloa by indnitrlons hites. The lands are to be sold at lees tout si 16 per acre. CnAFt.AiN The principle being recognized that chaplains Bhall not be held us prisoners of war, It Is hereby ordered by the War Department that all ohap-1 tins so held by the ailed States shall be immediately auu uDcnjiMonally released Abut Mattihs Brig. Gen. Ilaton Is relieved from his present command in the army, and will await orders from Mai.

Gen. Pope. The Washington dispatch, of the 1st to the Now York Herald, has the following Important Dicikion in Regard to Excises. -Tbe Secretary of the Treasury has decided tbat bis order in regard to excises, Intended bv the bill to tske tlleoton August dors not tax a enect nnui septetnoer Wherever Argust 1 is read la the bill, September 1 should be read. Tub A ppBoraiATioNB Mans bt Co norms.

Tbe official list ot appropriations made by tbe recent Congress is not yet completed. Kuough, however, is known to verify the insertion made in turn correspond ence last summer, tbat tbe appropriations required would touch very nearly one thousand millions. Then the announcement was startling now tbe people are prepared tu bear and bear It. Tux laaiTB op Bhai.l Thbasubt Notes. The Trea sury Department will issue tbe ones and twos of the small notes as soon aa tbeycan bs prepared, which will probably be two weeks from this date.

The issue of threes is under consideration, but will not be immediately needed. Dbivino tub SBCRftiMONiBTS Fakthbb eopth Gen. Pope's Order No. 6 is being slowly enforced. It will entitle the disunion men of tbat section to take tielr arms and ammunition and iro over to the en em v.

Tbe Orange and Alexandria Kail road is In running order to Warrenton but it Is alleged that beyond there the road infested with guerrillas, who must be reduced to submission before the road can be made available. HirppLiis Needed by Gbn. Pore's Akmv. Shoos and clothing are mm needed in the Army of Virginia but the recent orders of General Pope forbid snv'hlng baitig carried thither except Commissary or (Juu- termaster's stores. The order for foraging on the enemy inolodes only forage and sutwistence, of which the troops can liud abuadanoe withcut the aid of a Com mtouary but already there are complaints tbat guardi have been set around the property ol prom nent rebel aud that it has been by ipeolat order exoopted from thu operation of General Order No.

6. Rbi. base or Gbn, Bowia, or Maryland Generel Thomas P. Bowie, who was brought here a few days ago as a State prisoner, baa b'en released. appears thai no orufr ror ots arrest naa yet ueeu isauea.

"en. Bjie holds tbat while Maryland remains in the Uuioo, be owea allegiance to both the State and Federal Gov ernments, aud claims tbat as yet be has done nothing to contravene either but holds himself amenable to both. He asserts that the time has not yet arrived for him to decide whether he will follow a State or federal allegiance, and olaima that tbe Federal author! ties have made a mistake in arresting him prematurely. Kentucky. The call of Governor Magoffin, of Ken tucky, tor sn extra session of the Legislature, Is understood nere to be the result of the pressure of the Uoion men.

Fears are In some quarters entertained that he will endeavor to obtain permission to orgaui.e the htate militia but, as he Is understood to he at heart a rebel, the authority will not be granted. A deputation of border State men are here, who insist that the loyal citizens of Kentucky, Ohio and IndUna ahall be thur oughly armed for the protection of Kentucky from the Mids ol reoel guerrilla parties. Tbe Military Hoard ot Kentucky, towards which Governor Magt.ttlo in his proclamation muni Testa much Jialousy, is empowered to couirui tne miinia oi me rv.aie. it is not HKeiy that the liei islatnre will dlstnrb tbelr authority but It la anticipated that Governor Mag flin will be deposed, and the worrtary of the Slate Henate be made acting Governor to carry oat the wishes and ubleoU of loval Kent nek lam. Captain Portrb.

of rnn Mohtar rter, of the mortar flotilla, has left Waahiugton tor a britl vilt North to recruit his health, previous to re liming bis command. CoustiHamNBH ot' Boi.pfBHH. Simeon Draper, ri-i ot New Vork. has been appointed a pti lal commissioner by the War Department to su perluLflod the saeoutlon ul the order of the 81st of July respecting abieut (ffioers and privates, Communications on ibe suhot of said order may he addresaed to aim, at tho War Department, Washington. Tub Aotivk List op Bbah Aduiralh.

The name ol Galdiborooah was erroneously printed in sums of ths aewipspers aa the head of the active Hat ot Hear Ad-rntralc. 1 hey rank aa folloesi r'arrsgut, (JoJUa borough, Dupont and Foots. Iwiiiam Tkbatiku CninmltMloner of Indian Affairs, Dole, Is absent trom Hah in ton, Initiating a treaty with ths Indiana of Northern Minnaeote, located on tbe lUdUiverof the North, and up to the Brillab provinces. The Washington dispatch of the same date to the V. Times, furnishes the following AfVAias in Kenticiy.

The conlltiooof a ft a Ira in Ksutucky is ruoelvlag the close attention of Govern meut. Matfottm'a recent proclamation oonvsning ths egislature is regarded aa treasonable lit mouse. The loyal men of Ken lucky will be aidud to orunu any conspiracy, howfcver formldaiiie. Tub pAi iric Ham.koapok M'Saouai. ThePneldeut and War Department are In oonterttiue with representatives of the Pacific Uailroad ot Missouri, In re gird to oomplatlng tbe Southwest Branch, from iidtato Lebmun, distance of fifty six miles.

It Is urgrd as a military ascesslty, as It wjuid pat ioutbwsBtMie- I nw "napon Mcoielttn from Port I rPlwniT, VI are enslilH In mxwm Mwa ttom ln pUce I and from Charleston. he srarrlson atih i.i.a- I General G. W. Smith in command there. muf hipphmishhmiob was ipii neoauee Moeral Im diA Uleilin In tbe lata battles.

I nau ion rorty men In these actions did not lessee thefesllnc ajloom ai-d discontent. I 1,1 onr from North Carolina we give I UI nie orisa nunung ann a aeetsive vlo. for onr trc.ops on the Trent road, near New hern whf''h rMnlte1 lo ln occupation of Trentoa by tbe The Hrltish schooner Marv MarHn from Nimm entered at this port this week, brings aa part oargo 74 bales OoltoO and 100 hhhi. sntrlta tnrrmntlnis anil the Hr until si-liooner Rlawchn, trom same port, 20 bales cotton. It wmiid appear, from tbe peculiar cargnee continually arriving here from that port, that the reg tiler liners between that port and Charleston still ceo-tinue to make their trips regularly.

The trm or Senator Chandler, of Michigan, expiree with the present Con mens, on tbe 4 1 of March next. imnm mr rr-eii'uon ar aaia to be small. tho 'ioua military prisons and Pte, at mp 1iwR1as, Chioatro Altn. i. Camn Morton, Indiana ('amp Chnae.

Ohio Msdtsna. Wis consin: St. -ana: Johnson loland. ntr HnAn.b. Ohio; and on the Atlantic coast, about twenty thous and rebl prisoners of war.

John Van Hun-n la sertonsly III at Lake Usorge, and doubts are enterUined of hia recovery. The number of vessels entered st this nnrt from fr c'gn ports during the mon'h of July was and the numi. cleared for foreign ports during tbe name perb The same mouth last year gave 4iil en-trlee 415 clearaucea. V. learn from a ruiladelnhia dispatch that tho earners Atlantic and Merrimac passed the ilrei I- water on the 1st with rebel prison ers from Fort Delaware, for Fortross Monroe.

Tho New Vork Commercial Advortisor. of tlw save: ie British schooner Klisa. hence Hat nil. nt ni for Nsstati. was In contact, oa the night of the lat inst twelve milea S.

K. of the Highlande, with U. H. eteamr Mercedita, when aha filled and sunk. Tbe oipijia an 1 crew returned to Um city lo the steamer.

Nkv Iosk Mabkkth. The Herald, fof the 'ne da'e, has the following report of the mar- kets The stork market was better yesterday, and prices were all higher, with the exception of Governments, which were stilt languid. Money wss abundant 4(bS iter cent. Gold di cloud to 11. and sinhance to Vlbtik itij.

The Import entries of drv coods for the waak Wre large. The cotton market was St mar and In her vesterdav. Ith salea of 7u bales, oloains siifl on the basis of for middling uplands. The floor market was lean active, and closed with a drooping tendency for moat descriptions. The principal demand waa from the home trade.

Wheat was heavy and rather easier. especially for common finalities, while prime lo choice bits wre scares and sustained. Corn opened etift, bat closed dull, with a fair amount of us lea. Pork ouened firmer, but cloaed doll and ea1er.with Bales of mesa at $11 2 and whloh afterwanh fell bulk lolll prime waa at 'iftfifit fil). Beef was firm.

Ird wsa active aud fi. Siipurs were sieady, with sales of 1700 hhds. The stock rf raw so-rr amtunted to against mi at tho same time last vear fl.300 boxes. against Ti 13 ltyr; 2U Hits bags, against last year, and H4 hhda. melado, against last year.

Coltiw was quiet and steady. Freights were leas buoyant and active wheat was taken to Liver pod at LUdoaU and Hour at utsts. To Loa don, wheat waa at and 0 mr at 4foH. 31. TUK A'A'H OULKANS f'RKSS.

TUB PBl.TA I'NOBK TUB NKW aXUIHI, Porrscpoixlsscn ai 1h Hw Vork TlniM, Naw OKi.Bawa, Thursday. July 24. lKti. The Delta la one of the moat original of presses, im New York you would nuderitand it In New Orleans la an enigma. It Is so outspoken, so dlrrot and fear-leas In Its sccnsatlons.

Its habit of naming names" Its decorum toward the worthy Its violence toward the guilty these character let tea among a people who have been accustomed only to whisper UKn matters hlch the I'Hita treats of in t'icer ooean tones, sur prises. The Picayune has once or twice wilted under ita acorn and Ma sharp sarcasm. The editors of the Delta are Cnit. .1 ihn Clark, lor marly of the Boston Courier, and Col. K.

M. Brown, formerly of the Wood -stock (Vt Arm, and fd-j ir Joseph M. Ball, the able rmvost Ju ige, is omierstood to oe a coi iributor to ItB leading columns. Cnpt. ark la the chief and lighting editor.

On the nitcht be lore the revival of the Delta nnder the new rvoittn', ('apt. Clatk found a burly man tbe flics, readiutv proofs. lie Inquired or the fore man, Mr. Strut's, who this pemon" waa. Mr.

Brue replied, This is Mr. Sflth, late foreman of the ill w-" fltith was just then reading aa editorial of Clark's, In which the editor lidlcilated the people of Naw Orltoue uooo their chanue of rulers and the expulsion of Jotn Monroe to Fort ickaon. It waa further atr.tad tnat fr ten years previous then' had sot been an honest man lu the Mayor's chair. As Stlth was an ex Mayor Tt ug ami thieving memory, the editor did aot inter nipt hia reading but when be aet down the proof the Captain liiH'rocted the guards not to permit him to I't-r theiirnVe sua In. Hid next inclduut was this: Judge Walker the ex- editor of the Delta, desired that a card be published la the paper announoteg that be was oot responsible for the changed sentiments ut the journal.

The new editor took the iirmiQd that a traitor had no rights which a Union soldier waa bound to respect, and therefore for bid tbe tiuhiicalton of thecird. This wont on fir three days. Fiually, Walker oalled at the editorial offi of the Delta, when, with haoKhty tone, he demanded ae right to have his repu liating curd Inserted. A keen oolh ijiiy envied, which Capt (dark brought to a close thu roiiowi! ir language run presume on me tor- boaruuee ol tho Commanding Gnutral, who, tbuugli you are a traitor, has permitted yon to go at large You ulao ome lo here and demand editorlsl ooortesy. Ytu.

air. who during the past eighteen months have done little else than plot treason against UiS State. I sreyou nooonrieny. i here ine door go oot, an Idle 1 ornupy this chamlr, never again enter The nest incident aa this Ti Delta olHue is owned by the Bible Ho lty. Kirly tn June a sinotlmonlous appearing pars' prrs nted himself.

Csn he inquired, "see dpt. Clark That Is my name," said the editor. 1 represeut the owners of the build lug, aud I come to (Huire shout the payment ol the reut Cliirk looked at the minister, paused a momeut and In view, sir, ut lbs uses whlchfyon hae permitted jour building to be devoted to during the past year -uses so unworthy of Bible publishers and ilous neoulelt Is doe tofrankneaa tbat 1 should tell you that ao long as I occupy this building, so long aa tnere is a reoei in me nio, enau pay no rent 10 your Bible Society, Now. do we understand each otber 1 must own you are plain spoken' said tbe parson. Vtiry well," said tne captain I "good moruing snd he withdrew.

These are but a few of the many incidents of lite In New Orleans. The overtoil binK circulation uf the Italia over the other journals ts the beat proof 1 can give that ths people like It piaiu la a and uoiu siaoa wires tne reviving) I'viia baa taken under Clark, Browo and Bell. tit* Himai.avn Gi.ioissH Our survsy parties In Casbuiars aud Central Asia, under Captaiu lately achieved several triumphs fur science. Ibe Alplus Club and all travslsrs who have exhausted) the tamor beauties of Karupe, and ttnnuyti, will ba interested in a piper lately read to the Bengal AV ailo Hocl-H yon ths Hmiilayan glaciers, lis showed buw ItTerior the glaoieia ot tbe Alps are to thitae of the Shi gar valley, which be llluotrsied by tbe field sheets of the Cash mere aeries of triangu'atlutis, oa the scale ot four nut lea tu an Inch, in ths Alps, the Mer de Giac si about seven mlleri length, aud the largest, the Alstaoa, little over fifteen. But the larger glaciers, surveysd by the Cashmere party, vary from flfLeeo to thlty six miles hi length.

Next cold weather the facilities sOoided traveling will be so great, that we ought to see India HxMd with travelers, (Letter fruiu Calcutta. Another Americas prima donna has come to light. She is a lady from Chicago, A una F. Magnnaaoo by name, and la studying at Milan under Lsiupertl, the teach it of MadsmeLtbords aud the CruvsilM. Ths County ComtulMcioners of Cae county, Indiana, have paaeud au order to donate from tbe eoouty treasury loald in the osuse of volunhierliiii.

flUVO FAMIMES AND A FYV 8iN7iTE 1 Mjiluiaalicaa aat' jiuitwdalsS auk Uva BV Vim. tools tn Kiisiiu)f uiniauuv pi, iuio. Ths War tw Viroihia A dispatch to tli New York Times, dated Washington, July 31 says lutellfsvenca from Warrenton. ranelil tn.niM in dloste that the rebels are concentrating and fortifying i ttornorwvuie, wen. rope is on the march, real'Kini the remark, freely attributed to him, that his head' quarters would be on horseback.

The Times ha a letter dated Old Point, July In which the writer says The Warner left this morning with mire reinforce men's for Gen. Mrtnellen. The boys all looked In first rate health and spirits. Considerable speculation UsflrMt respetttlpg ths Intentions of the rehla In the Penlneula, but It is Impossible at present to know what Dcueve. A dinpatohto the Times, dated Headquarters Army of the Potomac, arduous Landing July The steamers hive gore to City Point to-day to re wive naiauoe ot tne sice ana wonnaeu from men mood.

Tbe health of the army la gradnally Improving It Is stated by Fortress Monroe correspondents, that a party of rebels, on Friday evening, crossed the river oove Harrison's isanuing, and drove on five bnrnired neaa ol beef cattle belonging to tbe army of tbe Poto mae, and that these cattle were a mile within our picket Maes. This is altogether false, as no re lie I trnnn croaned the river, neither was a single head of beef came tan en at any time. The Times, in its news summary, snys Two small rehal vowels were recently captured np Chipoaks Creek, running Into the Jania River, by a boat expedition from the James River Flotilla. The expedition was a most daring and saoosesfnl one, The array correspondent of the Times, In hi letter dated Army of the Potomac, July nitinioates the annexed interesting intelligence At about noon yesterday, a signal officer descried two snHpioioos looking nrsrt moving down the James River toward Turkey Bend. When oil that dm the crviimoppea ano cas auouov.

is onneratood and generally believed that one of the vessels Is the new Msrrtmao, called the Richmond. The name of ths other I thought to he the Young America. Intelligence of their appearance was immediately comnanlcated to Flag Officer Wilkes, who promptly Issues' orders for a number of flntl class gunboats to run up the stream aa tar as Light House Point, which below City Point. Tbe Monitor and wrre ilreedy In that part of the river. The Monitor was wit ordered to proceed slowly np the river recontolter the banka on aide, end approach to wlthis a certain distance the rebel veaaels.

Upon tbe eonrssupthe Monitor threw a dor.en or fi teen shell Into tbe woods on tbe south vide, for the purpose of ditoorvring batteries, but failed to elicit any response iron, ine enemy, one went almost wtmin range ol the lUohmoed, but no firing took place between hir and tne rebel vessels. In about an hour the Monitor wltbdnw to Light House Point, where, In oonneclon with ie Galena end tbe other gunboats, a line of hat tie was formed. For the remainder of the afternoon. and curing the eight, our own and tbe rebel vessels ocnptftd the same relative positions. Veaterdav.

a com blued naval and balloon reoonnols- sanos, under theaupirvbl a of Capt. Jenkins, of the ttaroilooo Wachusstt, was mads down the tmes Kiver. The balloon wan in charm of c*nts A Men und Steinw, and at 6 a. baviiu been placed on board a barge previously need for its iramtpirta'lon, w. 'aken in tow ny the guntxaT men tig epnna, and moved down the river to a point ofl Fort Powhatan.

An as-eeBaten was then made, but not a rebel was discovered anywhere In the neighborhood of the fort. The birge, preceded by tbe gunboats Port Royal and Delaware, and fallowed by another gunboat, then proceed' ten miles below tbe fort. 1 wo ascensions were made hare, hut ao rebels or recently constructed earth wo kswjie observed. Numerous fomtrahsnds were noticed all alon the hank, who exhibited great aarprlse at seeing ttie bklloon In that quarter. Preparations were mik lag ler the fourth ascension, when the proceedings weremddenlv terminated bv an order from Cotnmu- dure Wilkes for the gunboats to proceed with all die pirow iiignioousfi ruinu Ths result of the reconeolasanoe was satisfactory, Inasrsuoh aa the reports to the rlldOt that the rabeU wereeollectiriB in cinaiderahle force In the viclnltv ol Fort Powhatan, and along the line of the bink below, arsprsved to bs unfounded.

Yesterday was the first time balloon reoounolaianoe has been made from a vessel In this army. Ths mill boat proceeded to Fortress Monroe vaster dav, eider oonvoy of two gunboats. No ens doubts that th main force of the rebels Is along ths line of the Peters bur and ('Ity Point Railroad. A bracoh railroad bus been discovered leading from we main railroad tu tbe bank of Jamos river, op posits Berkley's Landing. This bunch road was for merlvined for conveying wood for transporta'ton on tbarivtr.

Not a few entertain an opinion that we ahall wtke up aome morning and discover the woods direotrf opposite Berkley's cut down, and a formidable earth vork fx posed to view, ft a a Tne position ot the fleet remains nnrbansed. Theretel rams are still oft' Turkey Bend. How neir wearetoa naval butle each one can jddgo for himself. Th Times, of the 2d in its news sum mary, has the following i Ths rebels on the apposite bank of ths James River. about 13 o'clock on Thursday night, opened fire with two bitter of Ifuht artillery upon tho shipping and the eiwempment at Weatover.

Fone of onr n.en were killed and five or six wounded, belore a battery of 3'J-pouders opened lu reply. The rebel batteries were teen food silenced. Home of the vessels were strurk, but no serious damage was sustained Sevss vessels of Commodore Porter's Mortar Fleet arrived at Fortress Monroe on Thursday evening, and five nie were expected hourly. Tbev left the Southwest Pass on tbe 17th of July. The turners and crews of tbe vessels believe that they are to be engaged In the reaucuon ot rnn narnnga wmon my express I perfect willingness to undertake.

Aotlre operations have eommeuned along General Pope! lines, ne nao, at laai accounts, advanord beyond Varientou, and hia army wa in the beat of spirits at Hie of mesHllng the cueiny, who were ascertained by snouts to be posted in strong force in the vicinity of Gordotiaville. Our cnrreHpondnt's letter, written from Culpepper, vivas an aojouot of tbe advance move meats of Gen. Banks' corps, which has the ld. The Now Advortisor lias a ditipittth, dated Waterloo, Angust as follows I Intelligence from Gnlpeper savs that scout Inn par Use go oot daily, and occasionally brltg la rebel scoiiw. Ns enemy in force has been dlicovrred this side of GordonHVllle.

It is supposd that strong Iritrench- meras are being conducted at that pla'ie by the rebels. Oir troops aro in such high spirits, snd ao confident of oornplete success, that tbey aay they can defeat whatever renei tnrces may ne there coiu rid. General Pone, on bis wsy hither, was received witk roost entbuttastio cheers by our troops, whom he reviewed, complimenting tlo on their splendid appearance and tbe perfection of their drill. I titer i Ion haa been much checked wi'htn the leal few dayi by tbe atrlngeut orders ol Geueral Pope. Several destriers having been found guilty, are Sbutenced lo be branded sua dru mined out or the army.

At present everything is quid in front of our ad vance. Home members of the Ninth reeiment New Vork Htate mdltla.havs issued a newspaper oalUd tbe "Nsw York nioio," wnion is aeve'o to the dissemination oi aioo prloolples lo this benighted region. Tuk Was in tub Wkat. Tlie New Vork Times, ot tho 1st InHt.t In its nowa summary, sayi I A report reaches as, through a Memphia dispatch ti the Chicago Times, which Is bardly worth the troubls of refuting. Is stated that ten iron-clad gunboat, built te Kngland, and fully equipped, have appeared it Mobile, ausJ broken the blockade ot tbat port, thus opening to the commerce of tbe world Three mors aie to follow, tbe whole constituting llaet ordered by the gout lis rn Con fed racy.

It Is a matter of curiosity know how so manv war veaaela could he constructed in England for tbe rebels without the kuowiedgs of our Uuvernmtmt. It is aaasrtsd that ths re he's have un tbe Yssoo tbe Btesmera Star of the Wast and W. H- Webb. parti Ity Iron asd, together with number of liver steatusis. At Liverpool, sixty flvs miles np (he liver, the have a ref.

so ooulrired us Wpreveat tbe 1 am direeieo, insreiora, respeciiiiuy to request your Excellency to adopt such measures for this purpose as may seun to yon most ttttoieut and proper A system of committees appointed throughout four State, from among tbe most reliable and influential of your cltiguiM, who, actlog under your official sanction, would be filling to give to their country a tew weeks of their ttiM tuA Ubor, would be extremely ueful io this matter, as wall as id erurtlng a wholesome influence on tbe volunteer reormttug With this single auggeatlon, and without any Uterj tioa to dio'ate to your Kx elienoy, this leaves the matter fo your toxoeileocy's bands, with en-tire oonfl lence tbat no effort wdl wanting on your part to bring back to tbe army the able mn, who vacant places In the ranks call them to share lis duties and dangers. Ueueral Order Ho. fiS.eurreat series, contains full Instni ttiuns as to tbe method ot providing tur tbe care and transportation ot the men. By order of ths Beurdery of War. (Signed C.

P. Brcx waum, Bi-lg. tisa. ud A. A.

0. (he city of Norfolk, and, we are please to say, I.

The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.