Werewolf Physiology/Transcendent (2024)

in:Powers, Therianthropic Physiology, Mythical Canines,

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  • Werewolf Powers
  • Transcendent Physiologies

Werewolf Physiology



The power to possess the traits of a transcendent werewolf. Variation of Transcendent Werebeast Physiology. Most powerful variation ofWerewolf Physiology.


  • 1 Also Called
  • 2 Capabilities
  • 3 Applications (General)
  • 4 Applications (Detailed)
  • 5 Applications (Techniques)
  • 6 Associations
  • 7 Limitations
  • 8 Known Users
  • 9 Gallery

Also Called[]

  • Ascended Werewolf/Lycanthrope Body/Form/Mimicry/Physiology
  • Divine Werewolf/Lycanthrope Body/Form/Mimicry/Physiology
  • Godlike Werewolf/Lycanthrope Body/Form/Mimicry/Physiology
  • Werewolf/Lycanthrope Deity/God/Goddess Body/Form/Mimicry/Physiology


The user with this ability either is or can transform into a transcendent werewolf: a powerful werewolf being who has literally ascended to true godhood either through powerful magical feats or by divine intervention.

In folklore and mythology, werewolves are mythological creatures that transform from man-to-wolf under the light of a full moon or under their own power. They are often ravenous, feral beasts that can't distinguish between friend or foe. And in others, they are intelligent beings, forming tribes and societies. Their main weaknesses are silver, wolfsbane, etc. However, a transcendent werewolf is no longer affected by these weaknesses. They have transcended beyond all other members of their species.

Transcendent werewolves are often the progenitors of werewolves, and are revered as such.They are often several magnitudes above other werewolves in terms of physical stats, possessing godly stamina, speed, strength, etc. Also, they might even be truly immortal.

Applications (General)[]

  • All Werewolf Powers: Powers related to or based on werewolves.
    • All Therianthropic Physiologies
  • Various Supernatural Powers and Abilities: Have various, or almost all abilities and powers that are supernatural, relating too, or being above or beyond what is natural; unexplainable by natural law or phenomena; abnormal.

Applications (Detailed)[]

  • Alpha Monster/Apex Predator: An alpha monster; a superior member of all kinds of monsters who surpasses them all, in all variety of forms and breeds regardless of their nature. Known as an apex predator, a vastly superior predator in the known world, with a fearsome capacity for hunting down practically any species in their ecosystem, even other predators.
  • Alpha Werewolf: Alpha Werewolf is the leader of a werewolf pack, and they are the strongest werewolf in the hierarchy. In some cases, they can either be a natural-born werewolf, or even the progenitors of their race. (varies)
  • Anima Power: Users can gain powerful levels of life essence that animates all things, literally mastering life itself to any level especially spiritual powers that connected to life. By harnessing the power of life, users can be capable of extraordinary feats that relate to the forces of life, all of which can be utilized to the user’s benefit.(Rare)
  • Beast Divine: The animal/beast form of divinity and divine powers granting them an immense amount of raw power beyond the mundane, making the bestial users divine being by nature, a status which can be obtained several different ways.
  • beasti*al Power.: Users possess an extraordinary beast power; a living/metaphysical element energy/force of known existence that derives all its abilities that embody any aspects of an animal. In all its power, beast power, by its concept, can produce endless levels of energy that comes from animal essence a multipurpose power force that can be used to create and manipulate a lot of things like the life force, elements and energies of attributed animals, etc.
  • Demoniac: Described as a demon. While they are by no means an actual demon, they are referred to, described as or possess certain aspects and capabilities that make them incredibly dangerous and ruthless to the point they are called a demon.
  • Esoteric Power: Users possess an internal and personal force of esoteric and supernatural nature that lies dormant within them as it ultimately acts as the core of their otherworldly powers that by its unique and esoteric nature, can endow supernatural abilities with only their skill, personal power-level, imagination/knowledge, and/or morality to define the borders.
  • Legendary Status: Being werewolf royalty one has a legendary status. They are widely known and are famous for their abilities. If the character/object is a collectable, they are widely sought after and even feared.
  • Light Power: Users possess an extraordinary powers of the light; a primordial element of cosmic balance that derives all abilities even to its source of light. (Varies between user)
  • Living Anomaly: The user is a living anomaly, an enigmatic being that exists within a system while escaping its rules. The origin, nature and range of their abilities vary greatly between users, but all demonstrate the same uncanny ability to casually shrug off and even break such rules, from the laws of physics to causality, allowing them to become free from the bonds of fate, and are unbounded to all alterations and restrictions, etc., being capable of imposing their actions upon reality. (Extremely Rare)
  • Magical Divine: The user has the magical form of divinity and divine powers granting them an immense amount of raw power beyond the mundane, making the magical divinity users divine beings by nature, which is a status that can be obtained several ways. (Extremely Rare as many werewolves are not all magically skilled.)
  • Magic Power: Users possess an extraordinary magic power; a living/metaphysical element energy/force of of known existence that derives all its abilities from the source of all magic. In all its power, magical power, by its concept, can produce endless levels of energy that can come from mundane and/or esoteric/supernatural natures, granting its user a wide variety of powers over time or all at once, family heritage, mutation or given to a magic user.
  • Menacing Presence/Expanded Presence: Have an overwhelmingly intense presence which can induce fear, respect and/or insanity upon the those within range. And can expand/spread aura/consciousness/presence/soul considerably outside the normal limits (often meaning notably beyond their body).
  • Monster Divine: The monster form of dark divinity and divine powers granting them an immense amount of raw power beyond the mundane, making the monster divinity users divine beings by nature, a status which can be obtained several ways.
  • Mythic Lord: The most powerful form of a certain mythological creature. Unlike lesser examples of their creature type, the mythic lord possesses inherent skill in certain forms of magic (such as dark or holy) and may have control of legions of minions of their type of creature. (Varies)
    • Mythical Power: Users possess an extraordinary mythological power; a living/metaphysical element energy/force of known existence that embodies any aspects of a mythological/magical beings. In all its power, mythical power, by its concept, can produce endless levels of energy that comes from mythical essence, a multipurpose power force that can be used to create and manipulate a lot of things like the life-force, elements and energies of attributed mythological/magical beings, etc.
  • Prime Being: A prime being that originated/created the species and all its variations, making them essentially the most powerful among their race, having utmost power and authority over other beings of its kind. (varies)
  • Singularity: Absolutely one of a kind and completely distinct from everything. They cannot be replicated/cloned, have their powers mimicked, or be mimicked by shapeshifters or illusionists or even mimic user's voice, hand writing, skills/movements, etc.(Varies)
  • Superior Werewolf: A superior werewolf, a stronger variation to werewolf which has developed powers and abilities from a variety of causes/circ*mstances, such as evolution, genetic experiments, enchantment, having powers bestowed upon them by other beings or sources, through unnatural birth causes, and training to obtain said powers classifying them into superhuman beings.
  • SupernaturalAbsolute Condition/Pinnacle Condition: With their condition alone, they can dwarf most beings in their respective universe, being virtually supreme in their existential aspects and attributes. And reach a maximum and limitless level. At the most basic level, users have a supreme and absolute physical and mental condition, with absolutely nothing being able to surpass them in those attributes.
  • Transcendent: Possess the traits, attributes and/or abilities of, transform into, or be/is a Transcendent Being, existing in a state of being free from the constraints of the material world, as in the most common case, a deity, or other beings that can/have overcome the limitations of physical existence and also be/become independent of it.
    • Ability Transcendence: Learn abilities, and push them beyond their limits by creating new and more advanced ways to use them, improving their capabilities to unprecedented heights of power and efficiency.
    • Limitation Transcendence: Overcome their limitations/weaknesses, whether personal, from their species or inherent to their other powers, becoming either more resistant or completely immune to said weaknesses.
    • Omicron: Can be considered the most powerful beings in their respected universes as they have the potential to surpass almost anyone regardless whether their own natural powers or, because they can summon forth even greater power through the connection to a supernatural/transcendent force they hosts within themselves, depending on their nature behind the source of said power. (Extremely Rare)
  • Therianthropic Force Manipulation: Possesses and is able to utilize strong therianthropic power. This ability not only grants the user great strength and control over numerous variations of therianthropic abilities but also allows them to overwhelm weaker werebeasts as well as rival that of powerful therianthropic entities.
  • Transcendent Canine: A canine who has ascended to a state above others of their kind to rival gods. Unlike Canine Deities, they are not actual Gods.
  • Werebeast: A werebeast, a being with the power to transform into an animal form or a humanoid animal-like creature, either purposely or after being placed under a curse and/or therianthropic affliction via a bite or scratch from a werebeast, or some other means. Some can be werebeast lord which is the most powerful form of werebeast imaginable. And even be true werebeast that has always been a werebeast whether born or created as the first of their kind. They are usually very powerful, and perhaps more monstrous than others of their kind.
  • Wolfwere: Use the traits of a wolfwere, or reverse werewolf: the opposite of a werewolf, where a werewolf is a man that transforms into a wolf or a hybrid man-wolf form, a wolfwere is a wolf that transforms into a man or a hybrid form.
  • Werewolf: Possess the traits, attributes and/or abilities of, transform into, or be/is a werewolf, a human or humanoid being with the ability to transform into a wolf or an anthropomorphic wolf-like creature, either purposely or after being placed under a curse and/or lycanthropic affliction via a bite or scratch from a werewolf, or some other means.
  • Werewolf Lord: A Werewolf Lord, the most powerful form of werewolf imaginable. Unlike most werewolves, the werewolf lord may possess unimaginable skill in fearsome dark magic, and may command legions of werewolves.

Applications (Techniques)[]

  • Ancestral Magic: The user has access to the magical energies, powers, spells, potions, objects, and various other magical items only unique to their family bloodline and even other close members of the users family in some cases, allowing the user to use those supernatural forces to varying degrees, with only their skill, personal power-level, imagination/knowledge, and/or morality to define the borders.
  • Bloodline Magic: The user is capable of wielding magic related to their genetics. This hereditary form of spell casting allows one to wield supernatural effects solely available to genetically related individuals, clones or those with spliced DNA.
  • Divine Combat: The undisputed masters of all forms of combat, including natural and supernatural fighting skills and infinite strength and stamina.
  • Spirit Magic: User is able to use spirit magic, that revolves around channeling, summoning or using the power of spirits to achieve their goals. They can summon spirits, use spiritual weapons, or channel a spirit into their body to gain physical enhancements or gain completely new abilities; example: channeling a fire spirit gives the user Fire Manipulation.
  • Wolf Magic: The user can use magic to control wolves, transform themselves or others into wolves, mimic wolf traits and summon/create wolf spirits and/or wolves. They can communicate with wolves, borrow their senses, possess them and otherwise use wolves as extensions of themselves.


  • Archetype:Patron God (Varies but status can be achieved)
  • Canine Deity (Extremely Rare; status may be achieved)
  • Transcendent Werebeast Physiology
  • Werewolf Physiology


  • While the user can share all lycanthropes weaknesses, they may still be affected to some degree by them, such as feeling discomfort from silver as lycanthropes are naturally creatures of the day and night.
  • The user may or may not choose to impose limits on their power and may often rarely get involved with the affairs of the outside world.
  • While the user has virtually no weaknesses, they may still feel discomfort when exposed to the weaknesses of lycanthropes.
  • Beings of higher power (and potential) may still defeat the user in combat.
  • If werebeasts and vampires are natural enemies, then maybe aTranscendent Vampire can defeat the users.
  • May be vulnerable to the effects ofDivine Power Absorption,Divine Power Negation,Divine Energy AbsorptionorTranscendent Negation.
  • May be slain by users ofTranscendent Weaponry, Transcendent Slayer Physiology, Divine SlayerorOmnislayer.

Known Users[]

  • Chain Sumeragi (Kekkai Sensen)
  • The Captain (Hellsing)
  • Lugh Beowulf (Type-Moon)
  • Perfect Metis (World of Darkness)


Chain Sumeragi (Kekkai Sensen) is a Translupine, more commonly known as an Invisible Werewolf, is a unique and extremely rare species of werewolf that are able to alter their own causality. Their shape, weight, temperature, physicality, odor, and even their very existence. They can diminish every single aspect of their existence to an infinitesimal degree. In other words, they can alter reality to only exist where and when they want to.

Lugh Beowulf (Type-Moon) is a powerful werewolf-like being, capable of high levels of regeneration, shapeshifting and physical attributes far above the norm for a werewolf.

Perfect Metis (World of Darkness) is the coming herald and speaker of the Wyrm (The True uncorrupted Wyrm), perhaps even his mortal form. Perfect Metis is as Werewolves originally were, not the insane, corrupted thing they became. Its birth was a sign of the Apocalypse.

The Captain (Hellsing/Hellsing: The Dawn) is a supreme werewolf who can match Alucard, the No-Life King, blow-for-blow. He possesses the ability to change from his humanoid form into a large white wolf of a considerable size. His physical strength, speed, reflexes, and durability were on a preternatural level. He also had additional powers like a 'mist-like form' he could turn or manifest at will to avoid/defend against attacks and regenerate almost instantly from physical wounds.

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Werewolf Physiology/Transcendent (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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