Age of Wonders 4: Best Units of Each Type (2024)

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  • The Unit Categories

  • Units by Culture

  • Which Culture's Units Are Best?

Age of Wonders 4 has a variety of unit types. Some of them come from the culture of the city that produces them, some are unlocked by the various Tomes you can research, and you can pick up a few exotic units by clearing and annexing Ancient Wonders.

However, not every unit is equally good and useful. High-tier units tend to be more dangerous, but they often come with gimmicks that can make them less useful than a standard low-tier warrior. So which culture's units in Age of Wonders 4 can take on all the rest?


Age of Wonders 4: How to Gain and Use Thralls

Thralls mostly work like Souls in Age of Wonders 4, but you spend them on a completely different set of resources.

The Unit Categories

Age of Wonders 4: Best Units of Each Type (2)

Every combat unit in the game fits into one of 14 categories. They are:

  • Battle Mage
  • Fighter
  • Polearm
  • Ranged
  • Scout
  • Shield
  • Shock
  • Skirmisher
  • Support
  • Mythic
  • Siegecraft
  • Tower
  • Hero
  • Ruler

Each category has its own unique icon, and this icon appears on top of the unit's picture in recruitment lists and in armies. This lets you know at a glance how to use the unit in question.

Battle Mage

Battle mages use spells to damage or debuff enemy units. Their basic attack is ranged, repeats (they can attack once for each action point they have left), and usually deals some sort of elemental damage. Battle mages can deal a decent amount of damage, but they can't take a hit. The battle mage icon is a fireball.


This is the most basic type of unit in the game. Fighter units can have special abilities, but all this unit type does is deal melee physical damage. They usually get repeating attacks and can take a few hits. The fighter icon is a pair of crossed swords.


Polearm units are straightforward, much like fighters, but they get one special ability: when other melee units attack them, polearm units get to inflict their retaliation strike first. This includes charge attacks by shock units. The polearm icon is a set of three speartips.


Ranged units deal physical damage from a distance. Some of them have repeating strikes, while others have single strikes. The ranged icon is a bow and arrow.


Scout units aren't good in combat. Their main purpose is to explore the map using their fast speed and good vision range. Scouts are cheap to produce, and your scouts all dying usually signals the end of the early game. In combat, scouts are fast and have some kind of ranged physical or elemental attack. The scout icon is a stylized compass.


Shield units are like warriors, but with better armor and the ability to protect nearby units. If you defend with a shield unit, adjacent allies all get +3 Defense. The shield icon is a sword and shield.


Shock units tend to be faster than normal. They can charge at enemies to deal extra damage, knock them out of defense mode, and prevent them from using retaliation strikes (unless the defender is a polearm unit). Shock units also have single attacks instead of repeating attacks: single attacks deal more damage than an individual repeating attack, but they always end your unit's turn. The shock icon is a fist.


Skirmishers have both melee and ranged attacks. The melee is usually a repeating attack and can deal more damage, while their ranged option is a single attack. Skirmishers can't take as many hits as a melee unit, but they can run from enemies without taking opportunity attacks, and they can avoid enemy ranged attacks. The skirmisher icon is a dagger and an arrow.


Support units are similar to battle mages, but their abilities focus on buffing and healing allies instead of harming enemies. They still get a basic elemental attack, but it's a single attack instead of repeating. They also get a special defense mode that gives adjacent allies extra Resistance. The support icon is an ankh.


Mythic units are powerful, and they don't fit any of the above molds. This means they have a special gimmick, and you'll need to figure out how to use that gimmick if you want to wield them in battle. The icon for mythic units is a set of three stars.

Siegecraft and Tower

These two unit types only show up during siege battles. Siegecraft units show up on the attacker's side, assuming they built the right siege projects, and towers appear on the defender's side. Siege weapons of either type can deal a lot of damage to several units at once, but most of them can't move and none of them have a lot of hit points. Siegecraft units have a gear icon, while tower units have a tower icon.

Hero and Ruler

Hero units gain experience differently from normal units, plus they can equip magic items and different weapons that can change their attack type. A hero unit can mimic one of several unit types, or be a mix of several at once. Rulers are just like heroes, but if your ruler dies, you can't cast combat or strategic spells until they return from the void. The hero icon is a winged helmet, while the ruler icon is a yellow crown.


Age Of Wonders 4: Best Tomes, Ranked

Tomes can be a player's most powerful tools in Age of Wonders 4. Here are some of the best ones they can have at their disposal.

Units by Culture

Age of Wonders 4: Best Units of Each Type (5)

Each of the six cultures has access to six unique units. And while the Mystic culture has three subgroups, most of their units are also the same. Since scout units are never very good in combat, this guide will set them aside and focus on the other four. Note that to recruit each unit type, the city's Town Hall must be the same level or higher than the unit's tier.





Special Abilities




Peasant Pikeman



  • Feudal Training (unit gets extra XP and becomes a Defender upon reaching the Legendary rank)




  • Bullwark Standard: the caster and adjacent friendlies get extra Defense and Resistance.
  • Soothing Standard: the caster and adjacent friendlies get +20 temp HP and +10 Morale.







  • Inspiring Killer (gives double the Morale bonus to everyone after killing an enemy)

Feudal units all get the Stand Together special ability, which gives them +20 percent damage when an ally is adjacent. However, doing this can be dangerous since it makes units vulnerable to area-of-effect attacks.





Special Abilities

Dawn Defender



  • Shield of Light (Dormant, extra Defense and Resistance)

Dusk Hunter



  • Seeking Arrows (Dormant, extra attack range)

Daylight Spear



  • Guardian (Dormant, two retaliation attacks instead of one)

Sun Priest



  • Twin Awakening (target and additional friendly unit within 2 hexes become Awakened and activate Dormant traits for 3 turns)
  • Mending Awakening (target gains +30 temp HP and becomes Awakened for 3 turns)
  • Radiant Light (Dormant, base attacks may inflict Distracted, causing all attacks for the rest of the round to be flanking)


Battle Mage


  • Exposing Light (targets in 1-hex radius lose Defense and Resistance)
  • Radiant Light (Dormant, base attacks may inflict Distracted)

The High unit gimmick centers around Awakening, which gives each unit a buff appropriate to its type. This can be powerful, but it means you need a Sun Priest in every army. High-culture factions also get the spell Awaken Inner Radiance, but casting it means you can't cast a different spell.


Age of Wonders 4: Best Empire Skills

The Empire Skill Tree is split into branches that cover every affinity. This guide covers the best Empire Skills available in each branch.





Special Abilities

Anvil Guard



  • Taunt (high chance of forcing enemy to target unit, also enters Defense Mode)




  • Overdraw Crossbow (costs 3 action points, but deals extra damage and acts like a Charge attack)




  • Rune of Retaliation (attackers take 40 percent of the damage they deal)




  • Strength from Steel (replaces Defense and Resistance buffs with temp HP and Strengthened stacks that add damage)
  • Grant Defense (no action point cost; target unit gets +2 Defense)




  • Defensive Sweep (enemies adjacent to target take half damage, unit enters Defense Mode)
  • Inspiring Defense (no action point cost; unit and adjacent units get +1 Defense)

All Industrious units also have Bolstering, which gives them +1 Defense when hit by a physical attack and +1 Resistance when hit by an elemental attack. In addition, their melee units get Watchful, which lets them use two retaliation attacks instead of one.

Of the six basic cultures, Industrious is definitely the most defensive. It's the only culture to come with two Shield units, and its Support unit assumes you'll be buffing your units' defenses with tactical spells. It's a great culture if your favorite tactic is to outlast your opponents, but it's a terrible choice if you prefer aggression.





Special Abilities







  • Shield Bash (target has a high chance of being Stunned, Warrior enters Defense Mode)




  • Frenzy (each time the Fury hits, it gets +10 percent damage, up to a max of +50 percent)

War Shaman



  • Invigorate (friendly units in 1 hex radius get +10 temp HP, +10 percent damage, and Regeneration)




  • Frenzy (as Fury above)
  • Berserker's Rage (when down to one-third HP, the unit becomes uncontrollable for one round but can't die)

Shield Bash is an incredibly effective way to prevent enemies from taking turns, plus the Warrior unit drops into Defense Mode even if it fails. Frenzy makes Furies and Berserkers more effective the longer they stick around, and while the War Shaman heals less HP than other support units, it can buff everyone with everything it has using a single spell.

Furthermore, all Barbarian units get Overwhelm Tactics and Savage Strike. Overwhelm Tactics give units a 20 percent higher chance of getting critical hits when adjacent to each other, and Savage Strike allows them to deal extra Blight damage when they do.


Age Of Wonders 4: Best Society Traits

For the best playthrough of Age of Wonders 4, players should pick within these society traits in the game.






Special Abilities

Arcane Guard






Battle Mage






  • Soothing Breeze (target and extra friendly unit within 2 hexes gain +20 temp HP)





  • Stunning Flash (has a chance to stun every adjacent enemy unit)





  • Spirit Summon (what they summon depends on the affinity of the last friendly combat spell)
  • Astral Bond (target Magic Origin unit gets +2 retaliation attacks, +30 accuracy, and +10 percent damage after each hit)



Battle Mage


  • Weavers Overchannel (faction leader can cast one extra spell this round)
  • Arcane Conduit (get +5 combat casting points when present)



Battle Mage


  • Star Purge (enemy units in 1-hex radius lose all buffs and take damage; Magic Origin units take double damage)
  • Attuned Cast (get +10 combat casting points when present)

Aside from the unique tier-three unit, each Mystic school also gets a different combat buff.

  • Attunement Mystics get Star Blades, which gives all units an elemental damage boost based on what combat spells you've cast.
  • Potential Mystics inflict Dissonance with each strike, which turns into lightning damage when casting an overcharged spell.
  • Summoning Mystics get Astral Resonance and Astral Connection, two buffs that improve Magic Origin units.

School differences aside, Mystic units are only a little more interesting compared to Feudal units. This is because Age of Wonders 4 expects you to bring in plenty of Magic Origin units when playing Mystics, even if you don't go all-in with the Summoning school.


Age Of Wonders 4: Best Strategic Spells

Strategic spells can give players a huge tactical advantage in Age of Wonders 4. Here are some of the best ones players can have at their disposal.





Special Abilities

Dark Warrior






Night Guard




Battle Mage


  • Weakening Bolts (standard attack, but also has a high chance to inflict Weakened)
  • Sundering Curse (target takes damage and suffers -2 Defense, -2 Resistance, and Weakened)

Dark Knight



  • Dark Surge (deals damage in 2-hex cone, double damage if target has a debuff)

The Dark culture is the only one to not get a Support base class, but that's because they don't need it. Every Dark culture unit has Cull the Weak, which provides the following benefits:

  • Base physical attacks have a high chance to inflict Weakened, which lowers the target's damage by 10 percent each time, up to a maximum of -50 percent.
  • Melee attacks against Weakened enemies deal extra damage, and heal the attacker by 10 temp HP.

While Materium and Shadow aren't opposing affinities, Industrious and Dark cultures are exact opposites. Industrious players must focus on buffs and attrition, while Dark players survive by inflicting debuffs and dealing damage. As such, aggressive players will feel right at home using Dark units, while defensive players will have a nightmare on their hands.


Age of Wonders 4: Valley of Wonders Guide

While the Valley isn't the game's tutorial scenario, it still takes things easy on new players. Here's how to win it.

Which Culture's Units Are Best?

Age of Wonders 4: Best Units of Each Type (10)
  • If you favor defensive tactics, Industrious is the best.
  • If you favor aggressive tactics, Dark is best.
  • The Feudal culture has a few Morale boosters, but its lack of focus makes it less effective.
  • The High culture has powerful units, but you have to spend time and turns on applying an otherwise useless buff.
  • The Mystic culture has interesting perks, but its basic units are almost intentionally boring.
  • As such, the culture with the best base units is Barbarian. A well-timed Shield Bash can save a combat, Frenzy and Invigorate cover offense and defense, and extra critical hits that deal extra damage are always nice.
Age of Wonders 4: Best Units of Each Type (11)
Age Of Wonders 4

Turn-Based Strategy

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S

May 2, 2023

Triumph Studios
Paradox Interactive
Age of Wonders 4: Best Units of Each Type (2024)


What is the strongest Tier 1 unit in Age of Wonders 4? ›

With an astonishing five Defense before buffs, two retaliation attacks, and the benefit of Bolstering, the Anvil Guard is quite possibly the best tier-one unit in the game. The Anvil Guard's Taunt ability makes them amazing tanks, offering further protection to the units under their Shield Wall.

How to get better units in Age of Wonders 4? ›

The answer is to look beyond building structures to build a perfect army. Players can get access to plenty of high-tier units, but they must earn access by researching them through tomes or annexing ancient wonders.

What are the t5 units in Age of Wonders 4? ›

The T5 units available from tomes are the Reaper, The Horned God, The Shrine of Smiting, the Balor, the Golden Golem, and the Earth Titan. Weird that Astral doesn't get a T5, but Materium gets 2. For the most part, the brute-force ones seem worth it.

What is amplification pylon in Age of Wonders 4? ›

Conjures an Amplification Pylon , a stationary structure that deals damage and increases the damage of your spells by +50%. This summon lasts for 3 Turns. Cannot be used in Water battles. Makes base Physical Ranged attacks of enchanted units: Deal +3 Lightning Damage .

What is the fastest unit in Age of Empires 4? ›

For example, cavalry units are usually the fastest units in a game, whereas siege units, Elephant units and Monks/Priests without speed bonuses from technologies or civilization bonuses are among the slowest units available.

What tier is the highest? ›

S-Tier (superior): This is the top tier and typically represents the absolute best or most critical items.

Can you have more than one race transformation in Age of Wonders 4? ›

You can transform your faction by researching one of these spells and then preparing it on the campaign map. Once you have enough Mana and Casting Points, you can unleash the spell. Every race can be affected by as many Minor Transformations as you want and one Major Transformation.

What determines units in Age of Wonders 4? ›

draft per turn, which determines the number of turns it takes for the unit to be finished. Other ways to obtain units are through creature cage pick-ups, summoning magic, recruiting after battle (e.g. Dominated enemy units or raising undead), event outcomes, or the Rally of the Lieges.

How to get Balor in Age of Wonders 4? ›

Replace the challenge of Balor from Volume 5 of Chaos with the challenge of the Herald of War! Indeed... for volume 5, calling Balor looks weak, because even on volume 4 of chaos, you can already summon balors, just build a demon gate, hire 2 chaos eaters, cast a fight for power and the balor is ready.

What is the max hero level in Age of Wonders? ›

Whereas traditional units can only advance in level twice, a hero can advance up to an experience level of 30. A hero begins with 25 skill points to spend at level 1, and each time they advance in level, they gain 10 additional skill points. The skill point cost to increase each stat by 1 is as follows: Attack (

How many story realms are in Age of Wonders 4? ›

The realms that play a bigger role are called Story Realms. The main game features five Story Realms at launch in a storyline called Rise of the Godir, which will let players immerse deeper into the lore and get a better understanding of the Age of Wonders Universe.

How do you split army in Age of Wonders? ›

To un-merge or separate an Army stack: Left click on the unit portraits in the bottom of your screen when you have an army selected. The units you select this way will light up, if you then move them somewhere, they will split from the rest of the army stack.

What does the universal pylon do? ›

The Universal Pylon can be used as a kind of Potion of Return, allowing players to place the Universal Pylon, teleport to their base, and then teleport back to the Universal Pylon from a Pylon in their base. Notable places that do not have their own Pylons include the Dungeon, Jungle Temple, and Space.

What is the wonder win in Age of Empires 4? ›

In specific game modes, the Wonder grants victory if built and defended. Each civilization builds a Wonder of historical relevance and unique appearance, which includes a different name and a different icon. Variant civilizations have the same Wonders as their base civilization.

Is Age of Wonders a 4X game? ›

Age of Wonders 4 is a 2023 4X turn-based strategy video game developed by Triumph Studios and published by Paradox Interactive. It is the sixth game in the Age of Wonders series, following Age of Wonders: Planetfall.

What tier are units in aow4? ›

Units come in Tiers I through V denoting overall strength, and can gain XP to increase Rank to strengthen them further. Heroes are also considered units, however they do not have Tiers and XP accrues levels rather than rank. draft per turn, which determines the number of turns it takes for the unit to be finished.

What is the max units in Age of Empires 4? ›

In Age of Empires IV, the population cap is normally 200. The population counter changes color to orange when approaching the current population headroom, and red when not more than another few units can be trained.

What tier is low Outerversal? ›

Low 1-A: Low Outerverse level.

What is the max hero level in Age of Wonders Planetfall? ›

Heroes gain 5 skill points every level past the first level, and by default are capped at level 20.


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.